Uh-Oh It's The P Word
Right: I'm going to mention piracy. That isn't an open invitation to go absolutely barking, spitting crazy, okay?
So, lately it's looked as though Capcom - traditionally very much a console publisher - have really been cosying up to the PC. The Devil May Cry 4 port was pretty slick as these things go, and soon we're getting Street Fighter IV. The dark times are over!
But there's a problem.
Talking to GI.biz, Capcom's vice president of strategic planning Christian Svensson lamented DMC4's piratical uptake: "It's such a good version and it really deserves better sales. I know it's getting pirated to hell and back (it was up on torrents literally the day it shipped)."
While the link isn't made explicit, he mentions this in context to Capcom Japan's refusal to allow a digital distribution version of the game, against his own better wishes. Plans are afoot to ensure future Capcom PC titles don't suffer the same DVD-bound fate, by the sound of it. No word on the extent of the piracy, but hopefully it won't convince Capcom to abandon their recent PC-snuggling.
More here.