Um, Oops, Could Everyone Welcome Nathan Grayson
If we at RPS are anything, it's rubbish. Nathan's been writing for us for months, and we've yet to put up an official welcome post. It feels almost silly at this point, as surely everyone's used to seeing his daily writings. But it's important. So we're doing it. A while back we advertised a post for a News Writer, and we received an overwhelming number of responses, many of them absolutely excellent. But one stood out above the rest, and that was the work of former Texan, Mr Nathan Grayson of San Francisco Citytown. You may have seen him elsewhere, on VG247, PC Gamer, IGN and a few other big name places. But now he's ours! ALL OURS! (Apart from when he writes for other places.)
Nathan provides the vital root beer-fuelled American voice RPS requires, ensuring we don't run out of 'U's, while sitting on a giant cheeseburger made of cars. Gathering news like a news combine harvester in a news field, you'll no doubt have noticed by now his extraordinary ability to get a quote out of just about anyone, via somehow knowing absolutely everyone in the entire games industry.
I was meant to write this after he'd been with us a month, and we finally accepted him through the giant red curtains into the RPS Inner Sanctum, giving him the FTP password. But I was distracted by a bee. So I'm doing it now, because It Must Be Done.
So, as is traditional, please can everyone say lovely things to Nathan, like "Hello!" and "You are great, with your curly hair."