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Unbound: Ed McMillen Talks With Design3

Who wants a long look into the mind behind The Binding of Isaac? Edmund McMillen recently spoke with design3, a web portal offering education and advice for game developers, and the resulting conversation is wide-ranging, fascinating and what I believe must be referred to as 'refreshingly' honest. That's as honest as the country pub with the shaded garden serving up the first beer of a summertime Friday evening after a day of fielding calls in a thimble-sized office cubicle. The interview runs for an hour and a half but is certainly worth sticking with if you have an interest in Ed and his games, the indie scene, making games of your own or the wider industry. They cover it all.

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The importance of being humble, the untold stories of independent games, the stress of development, piracy - there's so much said and considering the length of the interview, it's amazing that it doesn't become boring. Interesting thoughts and experiences expressed well.

Perhaps if you are in a thimble-sized cubicle you could listen surreptitiously throughout the afternoon. Better still, get the heck out of there because your skeletal structure must be contorted horribly. Or you're a very very small person, in which case good luck to you in your chosen career of answering miniature telephones!

We'll hopefully have a chat with Edmund ourselves around the release of Isaac's expansion, The Wrath of the Lamb.

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