Underdogs, Ho
Legally grey abandonware site Home of The Underdogs disappeared off to whatever under it is dogs come from a little while back, after the site's hosts ran out of money. While we could all argue about the rights and wrongs of hosting out-of-print games without the blessing of their creators/owners until the undercows come home, it's hard to deny it was a temptingly useful way to play the PC games of yesteryear. Even when did you already own dusty floppy copies of 'em.
With it gone, tracking down specific retro PC games has become a whole lot harder, and that's no doubt happy news as far as some are concerned. Seems the Underdogs might yet find a new home, however.
Former HOTU boss Sarinee popped up a post recently revealing that there are revival plans for the site - somewhat complicated by the fact she no longer has copies of all the games she used to host. So, to get the place up and running again would involve, as well as jumping through hosting and law-dodging hoops, someone aggregating all the former content. That'd be these guys, then.
So, er, should we be well-wishing the project? Well personally I think - oh, look over there, it's a bee!
What, me? No, I wasn't saying anything. Anyway, let's hope Steam and GoG.com amass enormous retro catalogues as soon as possible. Then we won't need an Underdogs, right?
Thanks to Jay for the tip.