Unreal Engine 3... Free.
Interesting times indeed. Following the news that Unity3D went free for its indie package, Epic announce that you can now use the Unreal Development kit for non-commercial uses. Crikey. Reading the licentiate details, if you actually want to go commercial it's in exchange for a 25% of revenue after your first $5000. Which is a hefty slice, of course... but considering how much an actual full licence for Unreal is, it's still has to be tempting. Examples of how this could change stuff? Obvious stuff: mods for Unreal no longer would require you to buy a game. As long as a team makes everything, you can just distribute them... and you have to wonder whether now because they can do it, they'll try to monetize them. Other random prediction: teams trying to remake classics like Deus Ex. Which will never be completed, but the thought's there.