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Untardy: Blood of the Cybermen On Saturday

A quick one this. The second of the four Doctor Who episodes debuts on Saturday, immediately after the series finale. It involves Cybermen. Perhaps also their blood. I'm reaching here. Let writer Phil Ford explain: ""Blood of the Cybermen is classic 'Who... From the intriguing title, through the pre-credits intro to the mystery surrounding the Arctic base, this is everything you expect from a TV episode - only this time you control the action. It's an epic story, and one we could only tell in a computer game. We've ambitious sets, a thrill-a-minute narrative, and we re-introduce a Doctor Who adversary not seen since the Tom Baker era." IS IT A BIG SCARF? Like the first, it'll be available for free online, from the Who site. They claim the first episode had 525,000 downloads in the first twelve days. Which is impressive, but strikes me as lower than you may expect. Screenshots of Amy dressed impractically follow...

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