Vane Trailer Wanders The Lone And Unlevel Sands
Ozymandias or The Sisters? Who could say!
Exploring a mysterious desert sounds delightful, especially when it's as attractive as Vane's. The vague information we know about the game (in short: single-player; open world; exploration; ruins galore; giant storms; a magical child; dark forces; mystery; mystery; mystery) and this here new trailer would be enough to have me jolly keen to play it. But also, its makers include two folks who worked on The Last Guardian, that achingly lovely but seemingly lost PlayStation exclusive from Shadow of the Colossus chaps Team Ico. They probably picked up a thing or two about spooky explore-o-tragedies.
Developers Friend & Foe are only hinting at things for now, which is grand. It can be tough, in this line of work, to stay informed and write about a game without unwillingly discovering everything about it. You can follow their dev blog if you like, but it doesn't seem to get much use. Good, good. I want to explore these crumbling towers and poke at the edges of that giant dust storm as clueless as possible.
Vane will be released "when it's done," which sounds like a sensible time to release a game, if you ask me. This week's new trailer, though, that's right here, right now: