Pewtiful: The Vektropolis Kickstarter
Fire the retros
Jim spotted Vektropolis back in 2012, and then there was nothing. Well, that's not strictly true. There was nothing from the developers about the game, but in general terms stuff did occur, and you all lived through it. Now Vektropolis is happening again, joining the world as a bouncing baby Kickstarter game, and looking for £50,000 to fund what looks to be a city-defense, open-world sort of G-Police thing. Genre-ific.
Is it a strategy game or is it a shooter? Well it's both those things: you're building the city, a last refuge for humankind, extending the defences to help you fight off the alien waves, but also ensuring the city's population are looked after in recovery. You're choosing between guns or care responses, making the ther sort of decisions that only Boris Johnson understands the magnitude of. When the aliens are blasting at your hopefully expanding city, you'll then be taking to the skies, to become part of the defense that you set-up.
I like the detail that sprouts up in the city. Vector graphics could be an excuse for the devs to dial down the smaller touches, but there will be vector blades of grass, flocks of birds, and lots of ground-level detail for you to connect with and want to protect.