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Vienna Automobile Society comes down to the line

This looks different

The secret to auto racing, I recently learned, is not simply having super-ripped legs and being able to stamp the accelerator pedal down the hardest. I'm told it's also about plotting your course, picking the ideal route to evade opponents and corner efficiently. I think they're taking the piss calling it a 'sport' if it's not about beefy thighs but hey, that does sound fun too. Have a look at Vienna Automobile Society [official site], a top-down racing game which skips traditional direct controls to instead focus on setting a racing line and shifting gears. It launched today, so watch this:

Watch on YouTube

Upon seeing that, both Adam and Graham brought up Qvadriga, the turn-based chariot racing game Adam reviewed and we later declared the best racing game of 2014. Vienna Automobile Society certainly has a different pace, though.

Players race principally by setting a racing line for their car to follow, curves that snake around corners and blast across straights. Augmenting this is gear-shifting, the speed and the curve combining to zoom you along. Well, unless you ram into another car. Despite being a game about planning, it's also a touch twitchy as you'll need to react to other drivers. Weather conditions affect the racing too.

The game boasts four-player local and online multiplayer, along with singleplayer. It looks an interesting one!

Vienna Automobile Society is out now for Windows and Mac. It costs £9.89/$13.49/€13.49 £9.89/$13.49/€13.49 on Steam and is also on Itch.

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