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Wanna Show Your Game At Rezzed? Perhaps You Can!


he not-very-long road to the second Rezzed, the PC and indie games show we co-string-pull with the fine men, women and Bramwells of Eurogamer, continues apace. As well as buying tickets to attend the shindig - in Birmingham, UK on 22nd/23rd June this year, you can now submit your game for consideration in the Leftfield Collection. If you've made one, that is. And you are an independent developer. And it doesn't include any content which will get you arrested.

The Leftfield section of the show is where the most weird, wonderful, obscure, brilliant, bonkers, headache-inducing, conversation-starting and so forth PC games can be found at what we're quite sure is the UK's cuddliest games event. The Leftfield Collection proved popular, successful and endearing last year, and hopefully this year it will be popularer, successfuller and endearinger.

To submit your (playable by June) game for consideration, please pop your details into this here page and someone will get back to you if it looks like a goer. Further Rezzed-in-general details are here.


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