War Browser: Panzer General Online Trailer
Trailersoft, a division of Ubisoft that was funded when Yves Guillemot's cat stood on his keyboard and added an extra zero to the trailer team's budget, has been very busy lately. The pressure of releasing the hourly reminders that they have Splinter Cell and Assassin Creed games coming out has tired the poor folk out. They've gone a little bit avant garde with this trailer for the newly unveiled Panzer General Online. The game is a free-to-play turn-based wargame for browser generals. You will stare at your hexagons and make tactical decisions about the Battle of Omaha Beach, the Battle of Monte Cassino, and more. The trailer shows that off with a plastic army man fighting off a tank.
Yves Guillemot's cat, this nonsense is all your fault! There's not a lot of information about it, really ("About The Game" on the site is a short paragraph of text), but I can tell you there will be single-player and multiplayer modes, with the SP acting like an extended tutorial for the multiplayer's General vs General staredowns. It'll also have elements of trading-card games, so you'll be collecting and trading digital tanks, weapons, and squads to create your own army.
If you squint, you can make out allusions to that in the trailer.
That plastic army man has seen things, but only because he was placed there. Was it by you? Who knows. You can sign up for the closed beta at the website.