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War Used To Be So Much Fun: Tiny Troopers

Tiny Troopers, which had previously been announced as a cleverphone game, will be bringing its Cannon Fodder inspired japes to PC and Mac later in the year. From Finnish studio Kukouri, the game adds mid-mission upgrades, inventory drops and specialists to the core of its spiritual forefather, which was, in the developers' words: "commanding little soldiers that die easily on the battlefield and get promoted if they survive. That’s it." Sounds about right to me. Hopefully the control system will be tailored to a non-touch interface and there will be a giant graveyard to contain all the Tiny Troopers who die under my command. As there's no trailer for Tiny Troopers yet, below you shall find Cannon Fodder's music video.

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A different time, ladies and gentlethings, a different time.

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