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Warsaw Occasionally Changes: Uprising44

Uprising44: The Silent Shadows bills itself as the first game based around "the greatest civilian [uprising] against Nazi occupying forces – the Warsaw Uprising." Whether that will make it anything more than a game about historical people trapped in horrible circumstances shooting each other and crouching behind sandbags isn't entirely clear from the first thirty seconds of the most recent trailer but there are more flatcaps (one) than I usually spot in WWII shooters. And then the view stops being over the shoulder and assumes a more strategic position. Is it Company of Duty or Call of Heroes? Maybe it's Company of Gears or Wars of Duty. I don't know, but I do know that it's available for £9.99 from Gamersgate, Origin, Green Man and Get Games. Trailer below.

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Creators DMD Enterprise are based in Warsaw, which doesn't guarantee any sort of authenticity, but does make me hope that there's an effort to capture the feel of the city. Every developer should make at least one game set in their hometown, although I'd happily except dreamstate interpretations of the same.

If the story actually explores the uprising, and the third-person action and RTS sections are both solid, Uprising44 could be a decent detour into a less-travelled portion of gaming's favourite years. The website doesn't seem keen on aspects of the game though, with a description that will have John nodding in agreement: "A unique combination of game play and real-time strategy." Strategy is 'game play' too, damn it, it's the most playful game of all.

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