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Wave Hello To Waves: Arena Tactics

Waves: Arena Tactics announced

It's been almost two years since twin-stick shooter Waves was released, which means fans of its searing neon and frantic fighting are probably shivering and picking scabs from their eyeballs due to withdrawl symptoms. They should pick faster, because developers Squid In A Box announced a follow-up this weekend, and the first trailer is below.

Again powered by the Unreal Development Kit, a blog post on the Squid in a Box site mentions that Arena Tactics adds new weapons, the ability to customise your loadout, and competitive and co-operative multiplayer for up to 4 players. It's due for release next year.

Waves was a moderate sucess, which means many of you probably haven't played it yet. You should. It's currently £7 on Steam and there's a demo.

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