A Walk In The Woods: Way To Go
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I don't want to tell you much about what Way to Go [official site] is, how it works, what happens, or what to do in it. Click this link and go for a pleasant walk in the woods. Or whatever it is. You know, do whatever. It'll run in your browser and is HTML 5 with various trickery so it'll work on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is something quiet and delightful and that's exactly what Monday afternoon calls for. It supports Oculus Rift too, if you've got it.
Its makers call it "an interactive experience for human beings between 5 and 105 years old," which sounds about right, though I reckon younger folks would appreciate it. "Maybe it lasts six minutes; maybe it lasts forever", they add, and yep, that sounds good.
It's nice. It has trees. Look, just go see for yourself. You don't need muggins here tossing off some toss about walking and running and woods and stopping and investigating and appreciating. If you're not curious enough to look at unknown things, you probably wouldn't enjoy it anyway.
This trailer is only for the benefit of miserable gits who won't play it but would like to grumble along. Don't watch it. Just go play, okay? Okay.