Hullo again! What's cracking? I have next week off work - a holiday I've foolishly put off for far too long - so I won't see all you lovely people for a while, but before I go, do tell me: what are you playing this weekend? Here's what we're up to:
Adam: This weekend I'm moving house so I'll be playing Tetris as I try to pack all of my boxes into a van alongside an inconvenient ironing board. Then it's a spot of
The Sims as I rearrange furniture and idly dream about where I'd put the drinks cabinet if I had one. When the sun goes down, it'll be time for a symphony of noisy pipes and creaking floorboards, leading me to investigate the dark rooms - that may well turn into a sneak preview of
Allison Road, the upcoming horror game set in a Manchester suburb. If I survive the night, I'll be heading back to my current apartment in the morning to do a
Viscera Cleanup in the hopes that I get my deposit back.
Alec: 95% of people I know were born in October, I guess because people are really bloody cold and bored in January. This means it's all birthdays and - urgh - people all weekend for me, and no games. Will my
MGSV FOB have been razed to the ground by the time I return? Will I manage to play
The Beginner's Guide before it's either spoiled for me or the first signs of backlash I'm already seeing make it impossible for me to go in with an open mind? Will I ever manage to play
Undertale, the RPG in which you really can talk to the monsters? Will I be able to play any of the secret game I'm reviewing which is, adorably, codenamed 'Amazing Thai Food?' Will I finally manage to try
Cosmic Encounter, thanks to its
recent Tabletop Simulator release? No, I will make polite conversation and worry about the time. Dammit, adulthood.
Time permitting, I'll have a go on
80 Days as well.
Alice: I'm playing The Phantom Pain, aren't I? Of course I am. That is, assuming I don't end up in a cabin on the shore of Loch Lomond (also, in Loch Lomond) or trying to walk the
West Highland Way. I hope I end up doing one of those with my holiday time, honestly. But if not, I'll be playing The Phantom Pain,
Undertale, and probably The Beginner's Guide. After 105 hours (!) I'm at the point where The Phantom Pain is falling apart, but I'm still having fun. It's a shame that the end to MGS under Kojima is so sloppy, but the sneaking and choking is still fun.
Graham: I have a surprise for. I'm playing...
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain!
I am always playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain now. Even this past week, when I spent part of my time travelling across Russia in the PC release of 80 Days, I had Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain open in the background so I could flit over from time to time to manage my combat deployments and research projects. This weekend will be no different and I'm kidding myself if I say otherwise. Wish me luck; I'm going to get involved with the FOB infiltrations.
John: [What's that, no word from John again? Well then! Answers on a postcard again: what's John playing this weekend?
Congratulations to reader 'Andrew' last week for correctly guessing that John was playing "cheap synth on a street somewhere." As he explained, John "he starts with A-Ha – 'Take On Me', then Modern Talking – 'You're My Heart, You're My Soul'. After that, maybe, Kenny Loggins – 'Danger Zone'. After a couple more, he lulls people with something like Bryan Adams – 'Heaven', and then rickrolls them! But you can give him a fiver and he gonna do any piece from 80s for you. I'm making fun of him, but I'm not denying his talents."]
Philippa: This weekend I am at Road to Blizzcon in Prague so I will be watching Heroes of the Storm and
Hearthstone. If I get to play anything myself it will be Overwatch. Or I could disguise myself as a pro player and head onto the stage. I play a decent Falstad so what could possibly go wrong?
But you, dearest reader, what are you playing?