What Did You Play This Weekend?
Hark, another sunny day here in the Isles, and also a national holiday for all the Britons. We should spend the day guzzling gin and smoking our pipes. Consequently it might be a bit quiet on this here computer gaming blog feed. In fact it would be quiet even if it were not a holiday. John has the pox and is abed. Alec has abandoned us to head abroad, and Quintin is posting about puzzles games. Well, at least there's that. I'm just finishing off some thoughts on Darkspore, which I spent some of the weekend playing, and then I shall return to my return to Call Of Pripyat and the lovely Complete mod. Ah, lovely.
All of which leads to you telling us a bit about your weekend! Did you do computer games? If so which ones, and why? Points will be awarded for the best reasons, and the obscurest games. Speak!