What Now? Night At The Museum 2 Trailers
I went to see Star Trek last night. Spoiler warning: they shoot stuff in space. But it's the trailers that I've brought you here to discuss. There were a couple that stood out by looking like absolutely dreadful films, but dreadful films I found myself rather wanting to watch. On any other day the most embarrassing of these would be G.I. Joe. However, last night it was Night At The Museum 2. I've not even seen the original, but I'm blaming Hank Azaria's awesome delivery of some super-corny jokes, and Owen Wilson playing a teeny tiny cowboy. Oh, and the bit where Ben Stiller grabs the pitchfork from the American Gothic painting on the wall. I know, I'm sorry. The purpose of this gripping tale? There's a videogame to go with it. Can the trailers for that achieve the same remarkable feat?
My plan here was to write "No." And we'd all laugh. But what the heck is going on? This looks half decent too. It's obviously a third-person action adventure, because it's a movie tie-in and that's the law. But from the three trails it's certainly varied and looks pretty robust. Also, I like the idea of a game where you unsmash everything, rather than the more common approach. Anyway, while I doubt we're dealing with a genre classic here, there's potential for a game your kid will pester you to get that might not disappoint. However, early word is that it's incredibly short. Here's three chunks: