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What's At The Edge Of Space? You'll Never Guess

There is a gif below the jump that compelled me to write about this indie Terraria-a-like, Edge Of Space. Go there and you will see. You won't be disappointed, I promise.


There. Were you expecting a shark with a jetpack chasing down an astronaut and a mech stomping on an angry alien plant? Nope. Neither was I when I went poking through Steam Greenlight for something interesting to upvote. John briefly covered Edge of Space in a Kickstarter Katchup, describing it as a bit like Terraria in space. It succeeded in funding then went off and built the madness you can see, and doing the fashionable indie paid-for-beta thing.

Like a lot of sandbox games, it's expanding out in weird directions. Yes, there are wacky enemies, like space jelly fish and armoured, flying polar bears. It's a world that fills out in every direction, with new biomes to explore, mine, and terraform. But while I expect you'll come for the silliness, it's the systems that'll prove to be the mainstays. There are complex systems underlying a lot of it, too. Crafting for creating lights and such, power grids for building switches to turn them on and off. Co-op weapons that combine powers, such a tagger that guides other players rockets. Check out the trailer. It doesn't quite have the same velocity as the gif above, but I suspect it's truer to the overall tone.

Watch on YouTube

So that, and space sharks. It's out now, in a beta sort of way.

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