What's The Magic Word, Tommy?
While there are far too many identikit casual games, one area they're constantly short of is spelling-based games. Oh, be off with your yawns. Bookworm Adventures is clearly the greatest of them all, by leagues, but a cute, playable runner up is always welcome. Tommy And The Magic Words is almost that.
It's the usual array of ghastly, chirpy cartoons, and plinky plonky harp twiddles, but most of all, it's about creating paths by spelling words from a pool of tiles. Which is fun. Unfortunately, the game's presentation is apparently pitched at those under the age of 4, who aren't the core spelling demographic. It's also slightly flawed by making itself too easy, by offering an abundance of tiles that can be assigned to any letter, rather undoing the central idea. But we mention it today as there's an free hour-long trial being pushed, and Scrabble fans should find a twinkling of entertainment.