Where Eager Devs Dare: Lose Yourself To Ludum 26
Yeah, Notch's game got a mention on its own, because a big name is a good way to encourage those who otherwise wouldn't be interested to take a look at the many splendid things created as part of the twenty-sixth Ludum Dare global game jam. It is very important to reiterate, in this case via the medium of a post (and in addition to the one below singling out The Unseen), that you will be generously rewarded for looking at LD anyway, regardless of whether or not anyone you've heard of is involved. Ludum Dare - and many other speed-development events across our blue'n'green marble - is the bleeding edge of game-making, where ideas and pure talent hold far more sway than fancy graphics and big-budget explosions. It is ur-game and omni-game, a wild, wonderful badlands for all the potential that software holds.
I'm afraid I don't have any highlights to share with you in this post as, quite frankly, team RPS is outta time this week. Too many digi-plates are currently being spun by everyone, and in my case my brave/poor partner will be giving birth any day now (so if I suddenly stop posting for several weeks, it won't purely be down to laziness or forgetting my login, for a change), so it's not looking like we can rummage though Ludum Dare 26's 2345 (at the time of writing - it's still rising) entries from developers big, small and medium-rare. 2345! Incredible.
All of them were created between Friday and yesterday, all of them relate to the chosen theme of 'minimalism' and I'm willing to bet every one has something of worth to it. Hopefully we'll wind up covering a few more here and there over the next few weeks, and I'm sure the ever-heroic Porpentine will include a few in Live Free, Play Hard in the coming weeks. Please though, take a look yourself, click randomly on things that sound like a good time, and share anything you reckon is particularly excellent below so other readers know where to best point their hands, eyes and ears. 2345 free PC games! You can't say fairer than that.
Well, you could say "2346 free PC games, " I guess.