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Who Watches The... Ah, Fuggedit: Screenshots!

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Either Tiscali Games is the most powerful journalistic force in the videogame industry, or it's just really good at... Well, I'll leave that potentially trouble-making sentence unfinished. Anyway, as is so often the case, the Czech site is hosting the first online images of a brand new electric videogame - in this case Watchmen: The End Is Nigh.

Which isn't a bad subtitle for a game reportedly documenting wobbly-faced paleocon anti-hero Rorshach's earlier, criminal-hunting exploits. The screens themselves, though, seem to confirm Watchmen fans' fears that it's just a big dumb thumpy thing, though it certainly matches the Dark Knighty aesthetic of the movie. Too early to judge, clearly, but hopefully there'll be some extra dimension that means not it's purely about an extreme right-wing thug meting out horrific violence to America's underclass.

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