Why, hello, Brendan Caldwell, of the RPS Parish
Your party has expanded
As you'll know if you've been reading RPS for a few years, it's a tradition of ours to only remember to announce we've hired a new writer several months after everyone's already noticed that they're here. We've hired a new writer! It's Brendan Caldwell, and he's the latest full-time entrant to the RPS Hivemind. You must welcome him with cheers of encouragement below.
Brendan has been writing for RPS for a long time, but previously as a freelancer, which meant for some ungodly reason he had felt the need to provide words for other websites. Other, uglier, rubbish websites. We have put a stop to that, because frankly he was far too good to let them have him, and now the feature-generating machine is OURS ALL OURS.
Brendan joins what Prime Minister Theresa May and the Pope have both described as "The world's best PC gaming website, much better than - you know - that one," along with Graham Smith, Philippa Warr, Alec Meer, Alice O'Connor, John Walker and Adam Smith.
It is your contractual obligation to welcome Brendy with compliments and applause.