Why Not Just Call It Afterfall?
Oh dear, I really am very grumpy today. I fear for how misanthropic my posts will be come this day's end. Let all quail before my bloodless semi-wrath! Next is Afterfall: InSanity, which we last posted about almost a year ago and which manages three notations in my Almanac of Cliche within seconds of watching its pre-launch trailer. Number 1! Forgettably meaningless Something: Subtitle naming structure. Number 2! Pointless grammatical abuSe in its title, usually intended to make the name stand out in write-ups (e.g. RAGE, F.E.A.R.). It is thus our job to only ever refer to it and similar offenders using standard sentence structure, and resist the foul case-mangling of these marketeers. Number 3! Random, insensible whispering as an attempt to induce terror.
The Polish-made, Unreal engine-based horror shooter has just had a November release date stuck to it, and features guns, screaming, the sounds of metal on flesh, heavy rock and some manner of robot. Doesn't look like my kind of thing, because I am 32 years old. Perhaps it's of more interest to you?
It's set in the Afterfall universe - somebody's hoping for a sequel! - which documents an alternate outcome of World War II in which nukes and mutants and you know. More details on the backstory are here.
Here's another from E3 that we didn't manage to post, probably because during that week we'd already posted so many trailers that we were praying for a swift death and an afterlife free from endlessly pasting in embed code.