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Why Not Relax With The Cryengine 2012 Graphics Trailer?

Shhh. Deep breaths. In, hold it, HOLD IT, and out. Ah. Now you'll feel like me. It might be because it's Friday and I'm a bit tired, but I felt myself relaxing watching Crytek's CryEngine 3 demonstration. I love graphics, because without them games are all words and stuff and you can't shoot a word in the face, so I'm predisposed to start drooling over meaningless advances in tech and their associated sizzle videos. But this one, with the waves and the bizarre music, was like a tessellated pillow. I drifted away, barely noticing the noble fish thing until I realised the video has stopped playing half an hour ago. When I rewatched it: WTF? So: what the hell is that fish thing?

Really, what?

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