Wishful Thinking
Inexplicably exhausted and entirely devoid of an attention span as a result, I've been fruitlessly searching for a game to sink my teeth into and refocus myself. Planescape's calling to me again - it's been a while - but so far the thought of locating and installing all four of its CDs is putting me off. Yes, it's that bad. Instead, gazing idly at my bookcase in the hope of inspiration, I find myself ruminating randomly upon games I wish there were sequels to right now.
I often pretend to think sequels are bad ideas creatively speaking, that really developers should go explore whole new universes instead. And yeah, they probably should. Unfortunately, I secretly get as giggly about news that Fun Game X Is To Have Inevitable Sequel as the next raving fanboy. There are ideas and places I'd simply love to go play in again, preferably with extra-sparkly graphics.
So, in no particular order, with no particular reason and with several dozen omissions:
Dungeon Keeper
Planescape Torment (with different characters entirely, of course)
Beyond Good & Evil
Star Wars Galaxies (don't give much of a hoot about Star Wars anymore, but it was a sci-fi MMO with some bold ideas in terms of escaping prescribed classes and allowing players to shape themselves and the world. Horribly clunky, yes, but infinitely more interesting than, say, Tabula Rasa.)
Freelancer (this has been on my Revisit For A Retrospective list for ages now)
Cannon Fodder
Sam & Max Hit The Road (er - a different sequel, anyway)
Smash TV (attempting its glorious manplosions in a super-detailed modern engine strikes me as potentially very funny)
Dune 2 (C&C's units never charmed me as Dune 2's did. I know C&C3's hardly rocket science, but it still seems so fussy compared to Dune 2's small, wonderfully focused toybox. Also, giant worms. Every RTS without giant worms seems somehow lacking).
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Now, sleep.