Wizards Of OS: Steam Linux Beta For All
The Valve shudders as gears lock into position, a thin jet of Steam erupts from the machine, scalding a penguin's bum. My latest collection of poetry inspired by climate change, the guffaw-inducingly titled Global Warning, is out in February. In other news, Valve have made the Steam For Linux beta available for everyone. Development news is found on the community site and the beta now supports 39 games, listed here. Even though I don't use Linux myself, I have now decided that I'm giving it to everyone for Christmas.
Valve have been tracking feedback primarily through their forums but with the beta now open to all, they have this to say:
...we will now track Steam for Linux client bugs using GitHub. This provides a better interface for tracking bugs than the forums used in the closed beta. The Steam for Linux repository (currently empty) is public, allowing anyone with a free GitHub account to create a new issue and edit or track it and search the existing bug database. The repository contains a readme file (README.md) detailing how to create a new issue (it describes the same format used in the closed beta).
Like Alec, I intend to investigate Linux next year. Have you converted to or rediscovered Linux this year, or have you been using it all along?
Via Eurogamer.