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World Of Love KieronHelposity

British Indie Games Conference World of Love is this Friday. What does that mean? Well, mainly, indie developers are preparing to listen to wise minds. Plus me. I'm kind of reprising/updating my 2005 Freeplay Keynote "How To Use And Abuse The Gaming Press And How The Gaming Press Wants To Use And Abuse You" - which basically explained to devs how to get coverage. Since everyone will have probably read that, I'm not just going to do it - I want to very much do a 2010 take on it, of what's changed since then. Anyway - part of the things I'm considering is actually doing a WORK SHOP section where I take a few indie games and say what I'd be doing with them to get them more coverage. What games though? Well, to make it more fun, I thought I'd throw it to the floor and see what games you'd like to see me cover. New and obscure is best, but hit me with whatever. And to stress, I'm not entirely sure I'm going to be taking this route yet. But I may be. And since the video will be stuck online, you'll all see what I do eventually anyway. Hurrah!

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