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WW2: General Commander: Bulging Demo

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Battle of the Bulge wargames aren't exactly novel, but it's been ages since anyone recreated the last major German offensive of the War without using hexes or turns. Spanish studio Games GI are the people behind - deep breath - World War 2: General Commander: Watch On The Rhine. Going by the surprisingly hefty demo they seem to know what they're doing. Though the swarmy AI and simplistic logistics won't impress Airborne Assault aficionados (who, incidentally, are waiting patiently for their own Bulge game) the trim UI and understated 3D visuals possibly will.


Units are battalion sized, each counter or 3D miniature representing approximately 40 tanks or 400 men. I recommend playing the demo scenario from the German perspective first. Playing as the Americans you can end up feeling a bit like King Canute. Controls are fairly intuitive though the double left-click to deselect a unit had me baffled for a while.

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