Yorkshire-Man Belmont: Poacher
Just in time for Easter, Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw of Zero Punctuation and the Chzo Mythos games, has released his new game Poacher, in which a man from Yorkshire kills hundreds of rabbits. Some of them fight back and I like to imagine the Easter Bunny would be one of those, a snarling thing of myth, born in the imagination of a child but now made flesh, fur and fearsome claw. As my headline clumsily attempts to inform you, Poacher has a bit of Castlevania about it, with powers gained to allow access to new areas of the underground worlds Derek Badger discovers beneath the estate he is raiding at the game's start. Download here.
I've only had a spare hour to play today and it's a lot of fun. I particularly enjoyed witnessing a spirit lady enter Derek, to which he responded, in utterly believable Yorkshire fashion, that such an occurrence was "a bit modern". Good man, Mr Badger, good man.