You Blinked: Shadowrun Passes Kickstarter Goal
At this rate, I'm beginning to think the only way to halt Kickstarter's charging bull stampede of success stories is to start a Kickstarter with the express aim of stopping Kickstarter. Kickstopper, as John calls it. Maybe I'm exaggerating a teensy bit, but Shadowrun's not-so-shadowy run right past $400,000 in 28 hours is - as these things typically are - absolutely incredible. As of writing, it now sits at $517,170, which basically guarantees a Mac version, among other things. Jordan Weisman and co are, of course, pleased as punch that's pleased about passing an insane Kickstarter goal. See Weisman and his Harebrained cohorts say so in a video after the break.
Holy cats indeed, friends. Holy cats indeed.