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You Shall Not Pass On The Lego LOTR Demo

Edit - whoops, Nathan already posted this. I blame Sauron.

Warner are pretty canny at getting a companion Lego game out when their tentpole movies arrive, and with The Hobbit: An Unexpectedly And Cynically Long Three-Part Journey arriving in cinemas very soon, so it is that the first Lego Lord of the Rings game is on its way. I am prepared to state, on the record, my belief that it will be Quite Nice but overwhelmingly similar to the nineteen hundred other Lego: Franchise games released to date. But you shouldn't take my lazy prophecies on face value - not when there's a demo available now.

The demo runs on Windows XP-7, though I presume it'll also work on Windows Hate (do you see what I did there?). The download will cost you approximately 18 Peggles. OLD SCHOOL.

The full game, meanwhile, arrives on Nov 13 in the US, and Nov 23 in Europe, presumably because of some idiot bureaucratic decision made by people who don't understand the internet. Here's the latest video-based advertisement for you. Frodo does an off-screen poo in it. Tolkien would have been proud, I'm sure.

Watch on YouTube

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