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Bif! Bam! Pow! Team Fortress 2 Comic Issue #5 Out

TF2 meets TFC

I haven't played Team Fortress 2 [official site] in almost a year, Steam tells me, but by gum! I haven't stopped caring about the goofy world have created for their free-to-play FPS. Valve have some of the funniest fun in games, and I don't especially mind if the yaks come through webcomics rather than computer games.

While we were on holiday on Monday, Valve released the fifth issue of their free TF comic, a mere eleven months after the last. In case you can't remember, the TF2 gang's quest for Australium metal had taken to the undersea dome where Sniper's parents lived in some odd Superman pastiche, when the squad ran into their counterparts from Team Fortress Classic. And... action!

I don't have much else to say about that, other than "It's nice, isn't it?" So. Uh. I should end this post before I say something unkind about video game novelisations and end up insulting people who read video game novelisations and I'm sure they're nice people but seriously what is up with that do you not know you can read proper books t- see, there I go. Stop this post now.

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