7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Introduction
As the blessed few who pay attention to bylines will know, I've been away for the last week on the Greek Isle of Hydra. I've played no videogames. I have, however, played games. My Lady and I, confused at a pre-dawn airport, picked up a 7-in-1 WH Smiths Magnetic Board game set. Between attempting to encourage the sun to alter our pigmentation, we played through the lot. And looking at games I mostly haven't touched since childhood with my adult's appreciation got me thinking that writing RPS' most expansive review of all time for a cheap-ass magnetic box-set would be a suitable vessel to hold some assorted observations on the form. Also, amusing overkill.
I'm putting this explanation in its own post as i) it'll be renovated into a title post when they're all done and ii) I don't want to messy up the individual posts with an introduction. Natch. So let's... go.