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A tale from Tales of the Arabian Nights

Ails of Arabia

You know you're with your people when muttering the words 'storytelling board game' makes their eyes light up.

Tales of the Arabian Nights plunges you into a world of 'efreets and goolehs, where a fiendishly clever choose-your-own-adventure style system lets you react to its denizens as you see fit. Do you want to try to capture that genie? Or just have a nice chat? I played a game last Sunday where I made my character behave like as much of a conniving prick as I possibly could. I deserved everything that happened to me.

On my first turn, I got syphilis.

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Matt Cox avatar
Matt Cox: Once the leader of Rock Paper Shotgun's Youth Contingent, Matt is an expert in multiplayer games, deckbuilders and battle royales. He occasionally pops back into the Treehouse to write some news for us from time to time, but he mostly spends his days teaching small children how to speak different languages in warmer climates.
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