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Abandon History: Gettysburg: Armored Warfare Is Out

I'm all about hybrids. When I'm not in Castle Shotgun's basement laboratories, attempting to breed rabbits with dragons, I love to investigate games that plunder from multiple genres. But by crikey, I'm daunted by the prospect of a third-person shooter crossed with a real-time strategy. That's the nature of Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, the latest from Paradox that's just gone on sale. Fortunately braver men than I, like Jim "Brave" Rossignol, have taken a detailed look at it in the past. And now you can buy it.

It costs a weeny $10/£8 (that's not right, is it - that should be closer to £6) from all over the place, including Steam, GamersGate, and so on.

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64 player battles, in a ludicrous alternative version of the American Civil War, with futuristic weapons and RTS themes - it's certainly novel! One you're going to be checking out?

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