Aeroplane Over The Sea: SkyDrift
You may remember that Quinns fellow told us about SkyDrift all the way back in May. It's the one with the planes. Developer Digital Reality thought it was time to let us all check in on the development, by way of a series of video diaries. Here's parts one and two:
Those backgrounds are quite lush aren't they? I can't see any one thing that's particularly original about SkyDrift, but it's got a nice level of visual spit and polish, and brightly coloured racing spliced with power-ups is a classic formula. Could be fun.
What do we think? Are you all up for a bit of Mario Kart with planes? Burnout in the sky? Crimson Skies with arrows floating at either side of you telling you where to go?
SkyDrift is coming to consoles next week, but no date is set for the PC release yet.