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Agent 47 Didn't Ask For This

Why distort one beloved franchise when you can do two at once? The latest DLC for Hitman: Ablutions once again fails to add new missions, ideally in a Streets of Hope vein, but instead a new costume and gun which can only be used in the Contracts mode. This new costume is the kevlar'n'metal duds of one Adam Jensen, he of Deus Ex: Human Revolution fame. This happens due to Hitman and Deux Ex being publisher stablemates, of course. As far as I can tell there is no narrative justification for why Baldy McChoke would come to acquire the augmented form of a mopey, bearded cyborg from the future, but hell, if Ridley Scott can contrive to unite the Blade Runner and Alien universes then this is no less silly.

The DXHR togs do make 47 look a bit like Gunther, mind.

The Jensen outfit, and his Zenith pistol (bought separately via Steam, for 69p each) are only useful in terms of combat, not stealth or sneaking into an all-cyborg dinner party, so don't get your hopes up that the combination of two stealth-related games would result in ULTRA-STEALTH. It's just a skin with a damage reduction buff and a gun for shooting dudes with. Kind of like this:

Watch on YouTube

He doesn't even get elbow swords!

Altogether now:

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