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Agent Of Angles: Catapult For Hire

Rock And Dole

It's been a long time since I checked in on Catapult For Hire, which looks to be one of the most promising hybrid games in development. With less buzz to its name or around it than a square-jawed space-toy or the cover star of various honey-based cereal loops, it's been on my radar for a good while but doesn't seem to have gained a great deal of media attention. That's a shame because the blend of 3d artillery accuracy, an action-adventure structure and (newly added) movable vehicles all look to be exactly the sort of thing we should all be keeping at least one of our good eyes on. Take a look at the latest video, incorporating those vehicles, below.

The movable player vehicles are the biggest visible addition since I last looked but there have been many changes. Here's part of a December post at the development blog.

So, the end of the year is here and 2013 has been a wild ride! The past few months have been especially crazy. Now that the dust has settled I can finally announce that I have been able to buy back the rights to Catapult for Hire from my publisher!

That means a lot of things but most of all it means that I can commit to the highest quality game possible and I will be able to interact with the community in a more direct way. Not much will change as far as my life situation. I will continue working part-time and squeezing in as much time as I can on the game in-between, but I'm finally in a good place and am making real progress.

Last time we checked in, I was surprised to learn about the game's lofty themes and autobiographical nature. Tyrone may not have a catapult but he has experience of selling his skills to the highest bidder and of realising that sometimes the bids dry up entirely. Check the videos in the previous post for a stronger sense of how the game plays. Hopefully it'll be with us sooner rather than later.

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