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Also: Pirates Of The Black Cove Revealed!

Please raise a foaming mug of pirate-clichés to a moderately bizarre trailer from Nitro Games (below), which introduces their "work in progress" look at Pirates Of The Black Cove. This Pirates! type adventure on the high seas genuinely looks like it could provided plenty of light-hearted fun. In this footage get to take a look at some of the city building, the gang battles, and of course the ships shooting each other. There are also Monster Trucks, for some reason. I actually saw the game a couple of weeks ago and it looks pretty promising - various quests making up a kind of multi-faceted Diablo-esque pirates world. It's not been in development that long, but Nitro seemed to think it wouldn't be that far off, either, and since the closed beta is in motion, I'd expect it within a couple of months. Go take a look at the footage!

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