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Alsoquest: Everquest II Goes F2P

Right then, what's left? Everquest 1, Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Lineage... What else yet stands firm against the free to play tide? The latest to switch is SOE's 2004-launched Everquest II, which will offer itself to the microtransaction gods next month.

It's dabbled before with a F2P parallel client, with but as of the Age of Discovery expansion free-to-play will be active on every one of its servers. It'll retain subscriptions and expansion packs for those who want to stick to the old ways, however. Full details on exactly how it all works are in this Massively post; apologies for not summarising here, but I'm still a zombie after power-playing Skyrim. Also, I want to go and play some more Skyrim.

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