APB Purchased By Free-to-Play Company?
Mediocre subscription MMOs don't die, they just go free-to-play. And so it seems that after the high-profile collapse of Realtime Worlds, following the release of MMO flop APB, the game is looking likely to re-emerge some time toward the end of this year. GI.biz reports that the K2 Network, owners of F2P service GamersFirst, is paying around £1.5 million for the intellectual property. This is currently unconfirmed, and K2 declined to respond to GI's newshound sniffing, so maybe this could go the way of the Codies rumour from last week, or September's erroneous Epic gossip. Call me cynical. But if it's happening, it'll be a way for fans of the game to re-enter its world, without the completely daft gametime-purchasing system + micro-transactions that accompanied the game's launch.