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Popular Videogames In Planned Sequels Shocker

The popular videogames in this instance being Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed and Far Cry series. Of the former, we can expect a new installment, featuring a new time period and protagonist, to arrive before next March. For the latter, meanwhile, apparently the wait won't be as long as it was between Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 3.

If the next Assassin's Creed is changing hero and setting, that means AC3's charmless lunk Connor will have had a very short tenure. Perhaps, given present-day-man Desmond's story arc appeared to (finally) wind up in AC3, the next game will be a much-needed fresh start, given how convoluted and self-regarding the series' in-game lore had become.

All this is conjecture, of course. The only thing we have to go on is Ubiboss Yves Guillemot declaring in an earnings call yesterday that "We are delighted and proud to announce today that in [fiscal year 2014], we will introduce an all-new Assassin’s Creed hero, within an all new team and time period. We expect it to be another major leap forward for the franchise."


Ubisoft's 2014 financial year covers March 2013-March 2014. So he probably means the new game will be out in Novemberish, as per Assassin's Creed tradition.

As for Far Cry, there's even less to go on, but "fans certainly won’t have to wait four more years for the next Far Cry." Far Cry 3 exceeded the publisher's sales expectations, with over 4 million people having been asked if they know the definition of madness to date.

Assassin's Creed III, meanwhile, sold over 12 million copies despite being a bit boring.

You can listen to the entire earnings call here, if you're mad.

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