Twin-Stick Shootyfun: Assault Android Cactus Released
With the voice of Cara!
I'm hearing good things about dual-stick shooter Assault Android Cactus [official site], good enough that I might give the game a bash despite it having a character voiced by former RPS wordmate, and current Alice flatmate, Cara Ellison. "Alice, where did all this wine come from?" "Alice, where did all that wine go?" "Alice, why were you asleep in front of Metal Gear with a bin bag tied over your left arm?" I don't know if she says those lines in AAC.
Point is: I hear it's good shootyfun, and yesterday it left Steam Early Access to properly launch, and it has a demo.
Android Cactus Assault is twin-stick shootybangs with a smidgen of bullet hell and a hearty kick of transforming levels, with different bits of the vast space freighter you're fighting across popping up or falling away through fights. You can do your shooting in singleplayer or local co-op. Steam user reviews are looking good, and here's a trailer for your graphic gratification:
Android Assault Cactus (these three words look about as correct in any order) is out on Windows, Mac, and Linux, available for £8.79 from Steam or £7.99 from Humble, who give both a Steam key and DRM-free versions. The demo also lives on Steam.
Cara voices the character who sounds like she's worried that she's been away for a fortnight and communiqués from her flatmate are increasingly erratic and bloody.