Atriuming And Ahing? Hearts of Iron III Demo
It's launching imminently (August 7th). Hell, I've got a review copy which is looking at me threatening. I inch away. I'm not Tim Stone, for God's sake. He can handle a strategic lady like you. I'll just try bopping my cock gently on your forehead, and that's no use to anyone. Er... metaphorically speaking. Anyway, for those still on the fence, there's a demo of Hearts of Iron III available now. In it you an play as Germany, France, Poland or the UK for the first four months of WW2. Poor Poland. Anyway, there's a latest trailer below, which shows off the Blitzkrieg gameplay. "Blitzkrieg" is one of my favourite words. Go Blitzkrieg!
That sure is some Blitzkrieging.
You can pre-order it from here, if you fancy.