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Awakening Wakes Tomorrow (US), TrailerFest

It's been a while since we took a look at the videos for Dragon Age: Awakening, and all of a sudden it comes out tomorrow. Tomorrow already! In the US. Sorry about the confusion. Friday in the UK. (Secretly I've finished it, but I can't tell you that, nor anything else. So shhhhhh.) So after we met Anders, Velanna, and some creatures that certainly weren't their children, it's time to meet a lot more of the gang.

So first of all, here's Sigrun, a Dwarf from the Legion of the Dead.

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Then meet Mhairi, a potential Grey Warden who has yet to perform her Joining.

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Finally for revealed companions is Justice. A quick warning here - this seems, to me, to be one giant mother-huffer of a spoiler. If you're getting this tomorrow I'd very strongly suggest giving this video a miss.

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Right, onto the enemy. Here's an introduction to the Disciples. They're darkspawn, but they've got a gob on them.

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And finally, here's The Architect. His design seems to reflect the inspired look of The Void, which is good to see.

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