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Battlefield 1943: Coming To PC Before 2043

I have to say I'd written off the last Battlefield game, 1942 sorta-remake 1943, ever arriving on PC. Its console version was yonky-donkeys ago now, and PC gamers at large currently seem very happily ensconced in Battlefield Bad Company 2 anyway. Plus BF3 is also in the not-too-distant pipeline. Too many fields spoil the battle, as the saying never goes. Regardless, DICE have just confirmed that the PC version of 1943 isn't far off. You can follow that link if you like, but you'll have to do that agegate crap only to read the following in a slightly different font, so I wouldn't bother. "Soon our PC fans will also be able to get in on the action that Xbox 360 and PS3 users have been enjoying since July 2009." So there you go. Only a year late. Footage of the console version below, in case you're unfamiliar with it.

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Watching a video of a game set on a tropical island is a little underwhelming after that Just Cause 2 post, isn't it? Entirely unintentional cruelty, I assure you.

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