NYCC: Battlefield 1943 Dev Commentary
The New York Comic Convention (which is being attended by our own man-of-at-least-two-talents, Kieron Gillen) is in full swing, and this year it is being attended by many videogame companies. This means a minor deluge of videos from various sources, some of which I'll post up here. First up: Battlefield 1943, with a developer narrating. Now isn't this interesting: signs of that Battlefield Heroes parallel development breaking through here? Quite possibly, it does look rather bright and smooth and beautiful. Also far away from the painterly militarism of Battlefield 2. I can hear the howls of anti-console anguish from here.
Additionally, there's this comment in the GameTrailers thread: "no blood? i wish u could see his body teared apart" Er hmm. (There is blood.)