Battlefield Play4Free: Trailer2Watch
Battlefield Play4Free is unacceptable. The title, I mean. It looks like it should be some ramshackle shop that briefly appears on the road that runs behind the high street. The one with offers in the window written in pen, and a guy behind the counter with a recent prison tattoo on his knuckles. "Yeah, I can yet ya Battlefield. Nah, sorry, I only take cash."
However, that's what those shifty-looking sorts at EA and DICE have chosen for the second free-to-play incarnation of Battlefield, following on from the slightly disappointing (but highly populated) Heroes. All serious this time. There's a new trailer for it - a proper one, not some shaky cam footage - below.
This is the game's view of Oman, which if the overthrow fever spreads that way could become frighteningly realistic.
The game is currently in closed beta, to which you can sign up over here. I have a beta suggestion for them. CHANGE THE NAME. Good heavens. Here are some other suggestions off the top of my (extremely tired) head:
Battlefield: War For The Poor
Battlefield: Fight For Free(dom)
Battlefield: No Subscription Conscription
Okay, those were rubbish. But here's a crazy idea:
Battlefield: Play For Free.