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Becoming, Jane: Gray Matter

After reading Jane Jensen's exciti-fan Robert Buurman's splendid mail, I realised we've never actually mentioned the Gabriel Knight creator's new adventure game. Let's sort that out now. It's been in development for a while, but it should actually be released this year. The site's just been updated, and seems to reveal a fairly traditional adventure game, with a Jensen-standard supernatural twist. Also, two leads. The press-release is here, for the JUST THE FACTS, though it does mention a non-keyboard computer version. I spit on non-keyboard computer versions! Trailer follows...

Well, it's from last year's game-fair, and is one of those concept-art heavy ones...

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Here's the debut trailer in 2007, which is very fuzzy and very old, but at least appears to show a videogame...

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So... any Jane Jensen fans in the house?

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